Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Acute tweak lets you control your iPhone or iPad with voice commands

Acute for iOS is the tweak Cydia users need if they're looking for a 'smart', always-on Siri alternative.
Don't worry, it's not as creepy as it sounds. Acute, which can be used alongside Activator, is 'always running' and therefore can identify voice commands without you having to load anything up.
Acute from the developer Phillip Tennen 

Acute is compatible with all devices that have microphones.
Acute is a limitless voice recognition suite designed to revolutionize the way you interact with your device. You can create an unlimited number of phrases to say in Acute’s settings which can then be assigned in Activator to perform any action. Once Acute is activated, it is always listening, meaning you can activate it and forget about it, then just speak to your device like you would speak to a person. This means that Acute has very little battery impact, as you only use it when you need it. When Acute hears you say one of the phrases you've made, it will immediately perform the designated Activator action.

Acute is also intelligent. It can interpret and perform math operations that you say to it. You can simply say ‘Calculate 15 times 31’ and Acute will immediately show you the answer. The days of punching things into calculators are over!

Acute is totally offline, you do not need to be connected to the internet for Acute to work.
Some of the ways people have been using Acute:


Thanks to @A_RTX for the icon and @benrosen0 for the video
Unknown Web Developer

Vikas Srivastava is our editor-in-chief and reviewer who takes care of iFreaksBlog.blogspot.com. He juggles writing about apps and custom features in iOS. At other times, he is usually found scouring the tech forums for technical elixir.

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