Thursday, August 7, 2014

Solve Camera: An App Store App For Taking Pictures Discreetly

This app has a really cool concept! First of all the app size is really tiny. It has an auto dark and light mode too! What more can you ask? It does a pretty good work with clicking pictures.

A popular jailbreak developer named Raviraj Minawala (ravirajm) has released a new application in the iOS App Store called Solve Camera, which allows you to take a photograph without being noticed by everyone around you.

You will find two buttons in the interface – one says "Solve" and the other says "selfie." 

The selfie button allows you to switch between the front-facing camera and the rear-facing camera, and the Solve button allows you to snap a photograph. When you have selfie mode enabled, the button glows yellow, but when it's disabled, the button is dimmed out. When you snap a photograph, text appears at the bottom of the application that says, "Saved to Camera Roll" and then it quickly disappears.


There’s always a moment, a dish, a person that you want to capture. You cannot always pull out your phone’s camera because people looking at you will give you that ‘awkward feeling’. 

Introducing ‘Solve’. This app will solve all your picture-taking problems. 
Now, you don’t have to be shy before clicking a picture of that delicious meal you ordered! Or that awkward selfie which you don’t want to miss out on!

Just boarded the plane and need a quick selfie? Now you can ignore the other passengers and Solve a selfie without them even noticing! 

You don’t need to feel conscious anymore. Just hit that ‘Solve’ button and fill your camera roll! 

Act like you’re reading the app but who knows that you’re taking a selfie!? Who knows you’re capturing that bottle of beer!? 

Solve is freedom for you. Solve is an all new way of clicking pictures. Your new tool. Your new shyness-killer. 

Start Solving today!

Note: the shutter sound will still be heard unless you switch your device to silent mode.

What’s new in Solve Camera version v-1.0

- inital release

IFreaksBlog Web Developer

Vikas Srivastava is our editor-in-chief and reviewer who takes care of He juggles writing about apps and custom features in iOS. At other times, he is usually found scouring the tech forums for technical elixir.

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